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Tabetha's Web Page

Siamese / Mixed  : :  Female  : :  Baby  : :  Medium

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Hi !!! My name is Tabetha. I might not look like a Siamese on the outside but I am definitely Siamese on the inside. That’s my mommy, Paris, in the picture. Isn’t she a beautiful pure bred Siamese? I also have two sisters and a brother. Usually I’m a very happy, playful, loving kitten but I have been a little sad and lonely lately. You see, all my family members have found wonderful, caring people to adopt them, except me ! My foster mommy says there’s nothing wrong with me at all. In fact, she tells me that I’m beautiful, very affectionate and I’m also the most well behaved kitty of the bunch; I don’t jump up on the counter, I don’t scratch the furniture and I always use my litter box. My two sisters just got adopted a few days ago, so now I don’t have anyone to play with anymore. I love to chase my toy on a stick and jump real high to catch it. I’m also a good talker and I even go to the door to say “hello” to people when they come in. In the evening, I like to help my foster mommy do her work at the computer and cuddle up with her when she goes to bed at night. I sure wish I could find a loving, caring family to give me a great home, just like my brother and sisters got. My foster mommy says I would probably do very well with other kitties and even people kiddies too. I have never been around dogs so I don’t know whether I would like them or not. Won’t you please consider making me part of your family? I promise to love you and your family just as much as you would love me.

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About Tabetha

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • Rescue ID: 06-30

Please inquire about this kitty on our official website:  http://mi-siamese-rescue.rescuegroups.org

Our adoption policies and online form are located here: Adoption Information.

MISR always accepts donations of lightly used cat carriers, cat trees/towers, and polartec delivery blankets.

Please help Michigan Siamese Rescue help more cats like this one...please consider clicking through to iGi​ve . iGive is a portal to over 400 merchants that will donate a portion of your purchase price back to Michigan Siamese Rescue. You pay nothing extra. It's an easy, free, way for you to get what you want and for our cats to get a piece of the pie!

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Tabetha Tabetha

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