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  Did you know that Siamese are among the most popular and well known breed of purebred cat? And it follows that this is the most commonly found purebred in shelters and animals controls in the country. We are dedicated to saving as many of these Siamese as we can, but without adequate foster homes to place these cats in, our hands are sadly tied. All it takes is a spare bathroom, bedroom, laundry room — whatever space you can spare. We provide the veterinary care, you provide love, toys, food, and litter. Many times we hear "Oh, I could never foster, I would want to keep them all". Initially, this does happen very frequently, particularly when you watch a scared and standoffish shelter cat blossom into a purring, affectionate companion who cherishes every bit of attention you lavish on him. But you can only comfortably adopt a finite number of cats, whereas by fostering, you can help save countless more. Due to our stringent screening process, you are assured that “your” foster cat will be adopted into a permanent loving household that will continue to care for him as you have. And there is always another needy cat that would be so grateful for the opportunity to move into your spare room. We recognize that the foster families know these cats the best, and that is why we rely heavily on the comments and input from you when we are evaluating potential homes. If interested, please download a foster application and either print out and fill in the blanks to mail it to us, or fill in the blanks on your computer and email it to us.

Perhaps long term fostering isn’t for you. Well, we also need short term fosters, where we can place cats temporarily (i.e. usually 2 weeks or less) while a more permanent foster spot opens up. In addition, we are always looking for people to assist us with long distance transports, both in and out of state. You could be part of the very rewarding time when a long distance adopter and adoptee are united. Perhaps you are geographically located at quite a distance from us. We urgently need contacts and volunteers across the state who might be willing to pull a cat form a shelter on short notice, perhaps assist in moving him closer to us, or holding on to him a day or so until we can make transport arrangements. Publicity is another area ripe for volunteers — we need people to know that we as a resource exists! Hanging fliers, passing out business cards at your local vets office, pet supply store, neighborhood grocery store, etc will help increase our exposure and help get the word out. We can always use people who are willing to learn to process applications — it is a wonderful way to meet some fellow meezer lovers and also help our cause. Last but not least, we need some folks who are interested in fund raising… several projects are in the planning stages but we need you to make them happen.

If you are interested in helping us out, please drop us an email

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